Sunday, November 21, 2010

Temple Rededication

This morning we attended the 9 am Rededication of the Temple.  Originally we were going to go to one of the stake centers since the temple could only hold 700 persons and we thought the local members deserved to be in the temple, more than we did.  However, Friday Elder Scott Whiting, Area Authority Seventy, came to the VC and handed us two tickets for the Celestial Room saying he wanted us there.

The services were broadcast by TV to all the stake centers in the Hawaiian Islands and were held in three sessions: 9 am, 12 noon and 3 pm.  In addition to President Monson and President Eyring, we heard from Elder Cook and Elder Walker.  The choir of only 24 voices sounded like the Tabernacle Choir in stereo!

My last official act as a member of the Usher Committee was to lead the group out of the Celestial Room after the official party had exited.  It has been a very rewarding, and exhausting, three months of service.  I no longer complain about not having enough to do...on average we've given full-time service (and a little bit more).