Seated left to right, Slade, Sandoval, Hu, Aguda, Ochiai, Kaufusi, Watanabe, Clark, DeArton, Smith, Latu
Standing left to right, Eubanks, Laufiso, Wooten, Gowan, Wise, Robertson, Moncur, Nytsetvolds, Han, Tripps, McArthurs
Sister Sandoval, from Duarte, CA (let) and Sister DeArton, from Idaho Falls, ID are the two new sisters fresh from the MTC. Sister Sandoval's parents joined the Church in Mexico because her mother visited the Church's Visitors' Center and a young sister missionary bore her testimony to her.
Sister Larsen (below) from Young Ward, UT is new to us because she has been in the field (they call it "Full Pros") for seven months - ever since we've been here. Elder Wooten and Elder Laufiso are the Zone Leaders.
These pictures are the result of my first "official" act as VC photographer. I'm enjoying learning how to use my new Canon.