Sunday, March 7, 2010

She overflowed with questions...

A delightful young couple, Bernard and Phuong, visited the VC today.  I observed Phuong perusing various copies of the Book of Mormon on our display with copies in 82 different languages.  When she learned that I was a missionary she asked if I had time to answer some questions about how our church differed from other Christian religions.  As I answered one question she responded with several others.  We began with the Book of Mormon (another Testament of Jesus Christ), then moved to our "Prophets" corner.  From there we went to the "Temples" section and ended up in "God's Plan for Families."  By that time we had spent an hour together and I was 15 minutes late for teaching my "Missionary Preparation" class (6 prospective missionaries from our ward come to the VC every Sunday afternoon for an hour).  I learned that she was from Vietnam and he was from the Philippines.  He is a pediatrics doc.

As I walked them into "God's Plan" I explained that I had another appointment and that I would have one of the other missionaries meet them after they finished "God's Plan," but said that what we needed to do was have two missionaries visit them in their home and bring them a copy of the Book of Mormon.  Elder Eubank met them coming out of "God's Plan" while I taught my class.  As I exited the class he was still visiting with them answering question after question.  I joined them as they wrapped up a two-hour visit to the VC.  She, particularly, had felt the Spirit, was filled with answers to gospel questions, and was anxious to learn more.

The two missionaries who will be assigned to visit them in their home are in for a treat and an incredible experience!

Isn't missionary work great, or what!