Two special guests visited the VC today.
The first was a young adult from Wyoming. Her name is Taylor and she was with her boyfriend and his member-family. Normally we do not give out a Book of Mormon but this time I felt impressed to do so. They had left the VC and were in the parking lot ready to leave when I went out and gave her a copy that someone had left at the VC (with a testimony inside) for us to share with someone.
Fifteen minutes before our shift ended we were surprised to see Becky Weisler walk in. She was equally surprised to see us. Becky married Kirk Weisler, one of our favorite AP's 20 years ago. We teased Kirk at the time for being a cradle-robber since he was 26 and Becky was still a Laurel in MIA. Becky was traveling with a friend and her friend's family of 21. She and Kirk now live in Georgia.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Transfers occur every six weeks
Seated left to right, Slade, Sandoval, Hu, Aguda, Ochiai, Kaufusi, Watanabe, Clark, DeArton, Smith, Latu
Standing left to right, Eubanks, Laufiso, Wooten, Gowan, Wise, Robertson, Moncur, Nytsetvolds, Han, Tripps, McArthurs
Sister Sandoval, from Duarte, CA (let) and Sister DeArton, from Idaho Falls, ID are the two new sisters fresh from the MTC. Sister Sandoval's parents joined the Church in Mexico because her mother visited the Church's Visitors' Center and a young sister missionary bore her testimony to her.
Sister Larsen (below) from Young Ward, UT is new to us because she has been in the field (they call it "Full Pros") for seven months - ever since we've been here. Elder Wooten and Elder Laufiso are the Zone Leaders.
These pictures are the result of my first "official" act as VC photographer. I'm enjoying learning how to use my new Canon.
Monday, March 22, 2010
VC visitors from Texas
Today I had the privilege of meeting Jesus and Lizbeth from El Paso, Texas. They were a cute couple visiting the Visitors' Center. His brother and sister attended BYU Provo a few years ago, when they lived in Mexico, primarily to learn English. The brother and sister learned a little about the Church and shared the story of Joseph Smith with Jesus. I think both Jesus and Lizbeth were interested in the history of the Book of Mormon and its relationship to their heritage. They asked for a Book of Mormon in Spanish and so I'm asking the missionaries in El Paso to also deliver them a copy in English so they can compare.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Prom night comes to the VC
Saturday we arrived at the Visitors' Center to begin our evening shift and were confronted with over 600 Kahuku High School "prom goer's", parents and other family members. We learned that they do this to celebrate as families this "event of the year." Nice way to begin, in the shadow of the temple, don't you think?
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Missionaries complete their service and head for home
The Peterson's have been great to work with and take a lot of practical knowledge wth them. Other than Elder and Sister Eubank (VC Director) we are now the senior couple with the longest service here. I have inherited his assignment as the official "picture taker." Donna assumes Sister Peterson's role as "chief apartment inspector." We love Sister Ganochkina and hope that someday, somehow we will see her again.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Temple Artist
We have enjoyed getting to know Mia Strueanu, a temporary neighbor who has been here for three months restoring the murals in the Temple. She told us tonight she will be done in ten days.
Mia was born and raised in Romania and escaped to the USA in 1980, arriving here with nothing but one suitcase and a talent for art restoration. In Romania she worked for 20 years as an artist painting in Orthodox cathedrals. Two years after she arrived she joined the LDS Church. Her first LDS Temple art restoration was the Alberta Temple. Next, she worked on the art in the Mesa, Arizona Temple. The work in the Laie, HI Temple is her seventh and last Temple to help restore. Each assignment has taken from 13 to four months to complete.
She tells of being invited to meet with President Hinckley after the Alberta assignment. She was nervous and shy. When she was introduced he broke into that wonderful smile of his and warmly welcomed her, saying he had heard so much about her great talent and the wonderful work she had performed for the Church. He said the Church was so grateful her..."we prayed you here," he said.
One day President Howard W. Hunter asked her to come to his office. He welcomed her most warmly and asked if she could restore and repair a painting hanging in the President's office. She said of course (who would turn down the Prophet of the Lord). She remembers him as being kind, soft spoken and gentle...a gentleman in every way. As she left his office he gave her a hug, bringing chills to her body (repeated tonight as she shared the experience of 15 years ago). [In Hawaii they would call the experience "chicken skin."]
Mia was born and raised in Romania and escaped to the USA in 1980, arriving here with nothing but one suitcase and a talent for art restoration. In Romania she worked for 20 years as an artist painting in Orthodox cathedrals. Two years after she arrived she joined the LDS Church. Her first LDS Temple art restoration was the Alberta Temple. Next, she worked on the art in the Mesa, Arizona Temple. The work in the Laie, HI Temple is her seventh and last Temple to help restore. Each assignment has taken from 13 to four months to complete.
She tells of being invited to meet with President Hinckley after the Alberta assignment. She was nervous and shy. When she was introduced he broke into that wonderful smile of his and warmly welcomed her, saying he had heard so much about her great talent and the wonderful work she had performed for the Church. He said the Church was so grateful her..."we prayed you here," he said.
One day President Howard W. Hunter asked her to come to his office. He welcomed her most warmly and asked if she could restore and repair a painting hanging in the President's office. She said of course (who would turn down the Prophet of the Lord). She remembers him as being kind, soft spoken and gentle...a gentleman in every way. As she left his office he gave her a hug, bringing chills to her body (repeated tonight as she shared the experience of 15 years ago). [In Hawaii they would call the experience "chicken skin."]
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Guest Lecturer for BYUH Art Class
Well, this mission is sure different than the others we have been on. Today I actually lectured on campus as a guest lecturer for an Art History class taught by one of our members that we met while on the Big Island. Carol was actually our Sunday School teacher in Waimea. I spoke on artists I have met while working as a docent at the Church History Museum, including James Christensen, Eric Dowdle, Al Rounds and Linda Curley Christensen. I was very much as ease and really had a good time. It was fun! I love this mission.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
She overflowed with questions...
A delightful young couple, Bernard and Phuong, visited the VC today. I observed Phuong perusing various copies of the Book of Mormon on our display with copies in 82 different languages. When she learned that I was a missionary she asked if I had time to answer some questions about how our church differed from other Christian religions. As I answered one question she responded with several others. We began with the Book of Mormon (another Testament of Jesus Christ), then moved to our "Prophets" corner. From there we went to the "Temples" section and ended up in "God's Plan for Families." By that time we had spent an hour together and I was 15 minutes late for teaching my "Missionary Preparation" class (6 prospective missionaries from our ward come to the VC every Sunday afternoon for an hour). I learned that she was from Vietnam and he was from the Philippines. He is a pediatrics doc.
As I walked them into "God's Plan" I explained that I had another appointment and that I would have one of the other missionaries meet them after they finished "God's Plan," but said that what we needed to do was have two missionaries visit them in their home and bring them a copy of the Book of Mormon. Elder Eubank met them coming out of "God's Plan" while I taught my class. As I exited the class he was still visiting with them answering question after question. I joined them as they wrapped up a two-hour visit to the VC. She, particularly, had felt the Spirit, was filled with answers to gospel questions, and was anxious to learn more.
The two missionaries who will be assigned to visit them in their home are in for a treat and an incredible experience!
Isn't missionary work great, or what!
As I walked them into "God's Plan" I explained that I had another appointment and that I would have one of the other missionaries meet them after they finished "God's Plan," but said that what we needed to do was have two missionaries visit them in their home and bring them a copy of the Book of Mormon. Elder Eubank met them coming out of "God's Plan" while I taught my class. As I exited the class he was still visiting with them answering question after question. I joined them as they wrapped up a two-hour visit to the VC. She, particularly, had felt the Spirit, was filled with answers to gospel questions, and was anxious to learn more.
The two missionaries who will be assigned to visit them in their home are in for a treat and an incredible experience!
Isn't missionary work great, or what!
Stake Presidency changed
At the morning session of stake conference our Stake Presidency was released. President Eric Beaver had served for eight years. We met Eric in 2002 when on assignment in Laie for Property Reserve Inc. Eric is president of Hawaiian Reserve Inc. and I was asked to spend a day with him and tour the Church's holdings in Laie and to check out additional property being considered for purchase adjacent to Laie. Elder Donald Hallstrom of the Presidency of the Seventy presided at the conference. He was born and raised in Hawaii - lived here 50 years until called as Seventy - and enjoyed "coming home." We were told there is a danger of being "active" in the Church but "less-active" in the gospel. Also, we live in a world that can cause us to forget who we really are. Lastly, we need to balance the "things" of life so we don't squeeze out those things that are essential. For example, it may be more important to have family time for dinner and conversation, and/or study the scriptures together as a family, than to involve our children in worthwhile, but time-consuming activities such as dance or sports.
The new stake president is Aaron Shumway, the son of the former president of BYUH who is now serving as a temple president in Tonga.
The new stake president is Aaron Shumway, the son of the former president of BYUH who is now serving as a temple president in Tonga.
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