Thursday, October 1, 2009

Our First Month

We finished our first month at the Visitors' Center and are beginning to feel more comfortable with our assignments. In September the VC had over 7,200 visitors with more than half non-members. We had 276 referrals during the month, some from members referring friends at home and some from walk-in non-members asking to know more.
Here are three experiences we had:
Erin, a single young lady from Texas, came in with two guy friends. Since the Sister missionaries were busy I took them through the VC including "God's Plan for His Family." When they came out I could tell she was touched by the message and she asked to have the missionaries call on her in Texas.
The next day, Tom, a 42 year old guy walked in. He had moved from Honolulu to our side of the island to find out about the church. On Sunday he went to church on his own, met the missionaries while there. He spent two hours in the VC and met with the missionaries again that night. He came back Friday and met with them again. When I took him through the "Temple" exhibit and explained what the baptismal font is for, he committed to be baptized when he knew it was true, so he could do the temple work for his deceased father.
Yesterday a family from Draper, UT came in. Grandparents, parents, four daughters. Two of the daughters go to school with Mckenzie and Karli. I invited them to view the "Family Plan" and afterwards invited them to refer the missionaries to friends back home. I was talking to the adults. I opened the exit door from the exhibit but they all didn't follow me out. When I went back in one of the daughters was filling out a referral for a friend and his family in Draper. Amazing how the Spirit works.

China Contacts
Sep 23, 09
We are feeling more productive and useful and can see the benefits of serving. The other night I greeted two young adult brother and sister from mainland China. The brother could speak English but his sister couldn’t. They are not members and have a non-member sister attending BYUH. The sister had visited the Visitors Center before, felt something special, and wanted to go to church. My two guests were visiting her for a few weeks. Anyway, we have a sister missionary from Taiwan and she had just arrived to substitute for another sister missionary. She took the two in hand and spent about an hour with them. When they left they took a Chinese Book of Mormon with them. We have given out three Chinese Book of Mormons in the last two weeks. We do not give out B of M’s to anyone else because we send in a referral and have the local missionaries deliver one to them in their home. But since there are not missionaries in China that can do the same, we give them one at the VC. Amazing to see how the Lord is “planting” Book of Mormon seeds throughout China.

I had a mother and two young adult children come in Sunday night from Spain. The mom could not speak English but the kids could – they were both attending BYUH. We have a large Christus statue in the main foyer and there is a 2-minute message – in the Savior’s own words – that we can play. It is very powerful. We played it for them in Spanish. They were impressed. As I used my very limited Spanish with her, her eyes lite up and I could tell she had a positive experience in being there.

Usually the sister missionaries greet and handle the guests…we only step in when they are busy with other guests.

Last night at 10 pm all 14 of the sister missionaries crowded into our bedroom to watch a 5-minute video clip as part of their evening devotional. We have a small TV in the Bedroom with a DVD player and the TV in the front room doesn’t have a DVD. As many sat on our bed one leg collapsed but they went on with the devotional. Your mom and I stayed in our living room but listened. What a great way to end the night. Our apartment is the only senior missionary apartment adjacent to the young sisters. Every morning they wake us up at 6 am with their group exercising in the driveway area. At night they “sing” us to sleep when they gather in the same area and wrap up the day with a song and prayer.
Our sister missionaries are truly amazing.