Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Willkommen Sie im Besucherzentrum
Today I met two tourists from Germany, Anneliese Philipp (age 70+) and her daughter. They came to the VC looking for the "Cultural Center" meaning the Polynesian Cultural Center.
Anneliese spoke little English but her daughter spoke English very well. We started with the Christus narration in German, beginning a wonderful ninety minute visit which also included our Laie history video, God's Plan for His Family, a visit to our temple corner, learning about the Book of Mormon (I handed her the German copy), and ended with listening to President Uchtdorf's testimony. They both asked very insightful questions and we developed a bond of friendship and a mutual love for the Savior. As they left Anneliese said she would like a Book of Mormon which I first planned on having delivered to her in Germany, but later decided to give one to her out of our supply room. I also gave the daughter a copy in English. They asked if they could take my picture with Anneliese and so we traded pictures. Here's a picture of the two of them taken outside of the VC.
The German greeting up above says, "Welcome to the Visitors' Center." Today I experienced the Lord's "Welcome" extended to two lovely daughters of God and was reminded once again that The Spirit is not limited by language - His language is universal and the invitation to Come Unto Christ is to ALL of God's children.