Donna got her first referral this week! And it wasn't easy. A tutu came in pushing a baby stroller (tutu means grandmother). No sister missionaries were in sight and so Sister McArthur greeted her and quickly learned that she did not speak English, only Portuguese. Her name is Zambonimaia Selli Aerlane and she is from Brazil. But with the help of the Lord and her genuine interest in helping, the two of them were able to communicate. The grandmother sat in front of the Christus statue and Donna played her the 2-minute narration (in Portuguese) in the Savior's own words from the scriptures. Donna says she could tell the grandmother was touched by the Spirit and had tears in her eyes. She took her to one of our large theatres and showed her a 11-minute video about Christ. Afterwards she gave her a Comment card (Portguese version) which she filled out requesting more information and visits from missionaries.
We also had a visit last night from two Halloween groups. The first was a visit by Shirley's niece, Emily Newman and her friend, who brought us some "treats." Emily is attending BYUH.
The second group is shown in this picture - ten of our sister missionaries - doing their version of "Trick or Treat."
We and Elder and Sister Peterson made breakfast for the sisters Saturday morning because they did such a great job cleaning their apartments earlier this week. We fed them pancakes, eggs and bacon, orange juice or milk, and fresh pineapple or grapes. A fun activity starting by getting up at 5:30 am so they could eat by 7:00 am.